Service Technicians are the heart of the department and we are proud to have the most skilled available. Their knowledge is continually enhanced with regular & extensive factory training.
Our fully equipped facility has been expanded to provide plenty of space to handle even several of the largest Vactor Sewer Cleaners.
Our database shows your specific piece of equipment, its serial number and vital statistics including service history. This information helps save time diagnosing a problem and gets you back up and running.
Whether your immediate requirements are best served over the phone, on-site at your facility or in our shop, we are prepared and equipped to get you back in the game.
A critical factor in the acceptance and success of a new piece of equipment is the training of the operators and maintenance personnel. We insist that we deliver the unit to your facility and spend the time, necessary to explain in detail, the recommended operating and maintenance procedures. This assures everyone gets "started on the right foot."
We also provide training seminars on all the products we support. If you require refresher courses or have hired new personnel, we are there to help you.